Change starts here!
"A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences."
Proverbs 27:12 (NLT)
"Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked."
Psalm 82:4 (NIV)
There's a reason why we have been the fastest growing dojo in Lindale, Texas!

(903) 504-6136
Thank you for visiting TST Martial Arts Academy. Martial arts isn't just about self protection, it offers so much more. A martial artist strives to be a well rounded person, bringing together the mind, body and spirit. Developing strong morals and values by practicing respect, integrity, confidence, empathy and self worth.
TST began it's official journey in Lindale, Texas in September 2013. And we never dreamed that we would be where we are today. We have developed relationships with our community, students and student's parents that have grown into a true family. As a family we have rejoiced in good times, grieved in sad times and
stood by each other through it all.
Our school has a staff that truly cares for their students. They care about their growth, not only in the training but outside of the school as well. Friendships and bonds have been made that we feel could never be broken.
Doesn't matter if you are a beginner or have prior martial arts experience odds are you will find what you are looking for with us. We have many students that have prior training in other styles and they love what we do here.
Here are some guidelines for picking the right school before you make a final decision. After all, martial arts is an investment not an expense. So one must choose wisely:
1. Visit all the schools in the area.
2. Speak with other students and parents within the school.
3. Speak with the head instructor.
4. Ask all the questions you may have and voice any concerns.
5. Let them know what you are looking for. If the head instructor truly cares about you they will be honest if they feel like they can't give you what you're looking for and send you in the direction of a school that may be able to help.
6. Pay attention to the training that may be going on when you visit.
7. Ask the head instructor about his/her personal beliefs. There's nothing wrong with this. After all, you will be under their guidance.
8. CHOOSE WISELY. All martial arts schools are not the same.
Please take some time and look around our site, check out our Google reviews and visit our Facebook page. And please don't hesitate to stop in or simply give us a call.